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    Metal Seated Ball Valves


    Top Entry Ball Valves

    Size: 1/2"~20"
    Class: 150 / 300 Lb
    Two-Piece Forged Steel Body
    Floating Ball, Full & Reduced Bore
    Anti-Static Device
    Blow-out Proof Stem
    Fire Safe Design
    Emergency Sealant Injector

    High Temperature Service

    General soft seated ball valves working temperature is limited up to 400F , but metal-seated ball valves are guaranteed for a maximum service temperature of 800 F.

    Low Pressure Reliable Sealing

    Enine metal-seated ball valves adopt seat spring structure, which can push upstream seat tightly against the ball surface creating a reliable sealing even if extremely low pressure.

    Absolute Fire Safe Guarantee

    Enine metal-seated ball valves are absolute fire safe design. Metal-to-metal contact is designed between ball and seat, where is unconditional fire safe function. Flexible graphite gasket can prevent fluid leakage from between body& seat or body & adapter even if high temperature environments to reach fire-safe purpose. In addition, other sealing components such as stem packing can also reach fire-safe function and prevent external leakage. So all parts of the valve will not be affected by high temperature service.

    Blow-out Proof Stem& Anti-Static Device

    As general ball valves, Enine metal-seated ball valves are provided with blow-out proof stem& anti- static device.


    Materials of Metal Seated Ball Valves
    Materials of Metal Seated Ball Valves
    No. Part Material
    1 Body ASTM A105 or A182-F316
    2 Adapter ASTM A105 or A182-F316
    3 Ball ASTM A182-F316 / Hard chrome-plated or Stellite 6 faced
    4 Lever Carbon Steel
    5 Nut Carbon Steel or Stainless Steel
    6 Seat ASTM A182-F316 / Stellite 6 faced
    7 Push Ring Stainless Steel
    8 Stem ASTM A182-F316
    9 Gland Stainless Steel
    10 Thrust Washer Graphite
    11 Body Gasket 316+Graphite
    12 Stem Packing Graphite
    13 Seat Packing Graphite
    14 Washer Carbon Steel or Stainless Steel
    15 Dished Spring Stainless Steel
    16 Body Stud ASTM A193-B7 or A193-B8
    17 Body Nut ASTM A194-2H or A194-8
    18 Locked Plate Carbon Steel or Stainless Steel
    19 Screw Carbon Steel or Stainless Steel
    20 Stop Plate Carbon Steel or Stainless Steel
    21 Dished Spring Alloy Steel or Stainless Steel
    22 Locked Washer Carbon Steel or Stainless Steel
    23 Steel Ball Stainless Steel
    24 Antistatic Spring Stainless Steel

    ASME Pressure Class 150 Lb-Two-Piece(2PC)-Metal Seated (ASTM A182-F316 / Stellite 6 faced)
    Flanged Ends-Forged-Floating-Full Bore-Dimensions and Weights

    Size D L H W Weight
    in mm mm mm mm Kg
    1/2 13 108 75 130 2.3
    3/4 19 117 84 170 2.5
    1 25 127 90 170 3.5
    1-1/2 38 165 127 250 7.3
    2 51 178 140 250 9.8
    2-1/2 64 191 164 350 15
    3 76 203 177 350 18
    4 102 229 206 420 33
    5 125 356 292 700 57
    6 152 394 320 *1000 66
    8 203 457 398 *320 170
    10 254 533 495 *350 255
    12 305 610 580 *400 390
    14 337 686 625 *500 510
    16 387 762 720 *500 820
    18 438 864 770 *500 1010
    20 489 914 840 *500 1828

    ASME Pressure Class 150 Lb-Two-Piece(2PC)-Metal Seated (ASTM A182-F316 / Stellite 6 faced)
    Flanged Ends-Forged-Floating-Reduce Bore-Dimensions and Weights

    Size d d1 L H W Weight
    in mm   mm mm mm Kg
    3/4-1/2 13 19 117 75 130 2.7
    1*3/4 19 25 127 84 170 3
    1-1/2*1 25 38 165 90 170 4.3
    2*1-1/2 38 51 178 127 250 9.5
    2-1/2*2 51 64 190 140 250 12
    3*2 51 76 203 140 250 16.5
    4*3 76 102 229 177 350 24
    6*4 102 152 394 206 420 43
    8*6 152 203 457 320 *1000 85.5
    10*8 203 254 533 398 *320 214
    12*10 254 305 610 495 *350 284
    14*12 305 337 686 580 *400 418
    16*14 337 387 762 625 *500 612
    18*16 387 428 864 720 *500 970
    20*18 428 489 914 770 *500 1137
    24*20 489 591 1067 840 *500 2000

    ASME Pressure Class 300 Lb-Two-Piece(2PC)-Metal Seated (ASTM A182-F316 / Stellite 6 faced)
    Flanged Ends-Forged-Floating-Full Bore-Dimensions and Weights

    Size D L H W Weight
    in mm mm mm mm Kg
    1/2 13 140 75 130 3.5
    3/4 19 152 84 170 4.2
    1 25 165 90 170 5.8
    1-1/2 38 191 127 250 10.5
    2 51 216 140 250 14
    2-1/2 64 241 164 350 19
    3 76 283 177 350 31
    4 102 305 206 420 54
    6 152 403 320 *280 135
    8 203 502 398 *320 210
    10 254 568 495 *350 391
    12 305 648 580 *400 550
    14 337 762 625 *500 710
    16 387 838 720 *500 1250
    18 438 914 770 *500 1300
    20 489 991 840 *500 2180
    24 591 1143 920 *600 2930

    ASME Pressure Class 300 Lb-Two-Piece(2PC)-Metal Seated (ASTM A182-F316 / Stellite 6 faced)
    Flanged Ends-Forged-Floating-Reduce Bore-Dimensions and Weights

    Size d d1 L H W Weight
    in mm   mm mm mm Kg
    3/4-1/2 13 19 152 75 130 4
    1*3/4 19 25 165 84 170 5
    1-1/2*1 25 38 190 90 170 7
    2*1-1/2 38 51 216 127 250 12
    2-1/2*2 51 64 241 140 250 17
    3*2 51 76 283 140 250 21.5
    4*3 76 102 305 177 350 37
    6*4 102 152 403 206 420 66
    8*6 152 203 502 320 *280 164
    10*8 203 254 568 398 *320 350
    12*10 254 305 648 495 *350 400
    14*12 305 337 762 580 *400 590
    16*14 337 387 838 625 *500 850
    18*16 387 428 914 720 *500 1220
    20*18 428 489 991 770 *500 1460
    24*20 489 591 1143 840 *500 2220

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    Next:Wafer Ball Valves

    Catalog:ball valve

    Above:Top Entry Ball Valves
